Evangelos Eleftheriou, received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, in 1985. In 1986, he joined the IBM Research – Zurich laboratory in Rüschlikon, Switzerland, as a Research Staff Member. Since 1998, he has held various management positions and is currently responsible for the neuromorphic computing activities of IBM Research – Zurich. His research interests include signal processing, coding, non-volatile memory technologies and emerging computing paradigms such as neuromorphic and in-memory computing for AI applications. He has authored or coauthored over 200 publications, and holds over 160 patents (granted and pending applications). In 2002, he became a Fellow of the IEEE. He was co-recipient of the 2003 IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize Paper Award. He was also co-recipient of the 2005 Technology Award of the Eduard Rhein Foundation. In 2005, he was appointed an IBM Fellow. The same year he was also inducted into the IBM Academy of Technology. In 2009, he was co-recipient of the IEEE CSS Control Systems Technology Award and of the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper Award. In 2016, he received an honoris causa professorship from the University of Patras, Greece. In 2018, he was inducted into the US National Academy of Engineering as Foreign Member.